Format Text

Format text with transformations

The format text tool in Codelime is a versatile feature that allows users to manipulate and reformat text according to their needs. It supports both custom and predefined formatting options:

Custom Formatting: Users can write their own formatting functions using JavaScript, which gives them the power to create virtually any text transformation they require. For instance, a user could write a script to format a date, clean up or transform data, etc.

Predefined Formatters: For common text formatting needs, Codelime provides a set of built-in formatters. These include:

  • Adding bullet points to a list of items.
  • Reversing the letters in text.
  • Sorting lines alphabetically or in another specified order.
  • Adding line numbers to the beginning of each line.
  • Converting tabs to spaces, which is particularly useful in coding where indentation matters.
  • These tools can significantly speed up editing and organizing text and are especially handy for coders, content creators, and anyone who regularly works with text and requires quick and efficient transformations.