Encode and decode URL

Codelime's URL encode and decode tool is designed to handle the conversion of text for safe transmission in URLs. Here's a brief explanation:

  • URL Encoding: This process converts characters into a format that can be transmitted over the internet. It replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits. For instance, spaces are turned into "%20", and special characters like "&" become "%26". This is essential when you're adding text to a URL, as certain characters can break the link or change its meaning.

  • URL Decoding: Conversely, URL decoding reverses the process, converting the percent-encoded characters back to their original form. This is particularly useful when you receive a URL and need to read or process the text it contains.

Codelime's tool makes these tasks straightforward, allowing users to quickly encode text for use in URLs or decode it for reading and further processing. Whether you're a developer working with web URLs or just need to safely share a link with special characters, this tool can be invaluable.