Is PastePal free?

PastePal is free to download and try. However to unlock all features including paste, you need to purchase premium upgrade

Do I need to purchase PastePal for another device?

PastePal purchase is universal across Mac, iPhone and iPad. You can restore purchases on any devices with same iCloud account. It also supports family sharing.

What is the difference between AppStore and standalone Mac version?

Standalone version is for those who want to purchase directly, payment is managed by Paddle. Since it is outside App Store, you can't restore purchase iPhone apps

PastePal does not start?

PastePal shows a menu bar item in your status bar when starts. Check if you enabled Launch at Login option for PastePal, and that your status menu is not busy with other icons.

How does automatic history purging work?

You can configure how often PastePal purges old history data. By default, saved clips which have name, added to a collection or locked are not purged

How to monitor clipboard on iPhone and iPad?

PastePal honors new privacy from iOS 14 to not listen to clipboard changes in the background. You can enable background monitoring via PiP in PastePal settings, to keep the alive, so it can listen and save copied content

Can I place the side window other than the bottom corner?

PastePal allows you to pin the side window either top, left, bottom or right edge of the screen. You can also freely move this side window

Can I hover to edge of screen to trigger side window on Mac?

That is Hot Edge feature of PastePal. It can detects if you moves mouse to edge of the screen to open the side window

Can I use a single hot key to open PastePal, cycle through the history and paste?

That is what Quick Mode is for

What does PastePal use RevenueCat for?

RevenueCat is used to manage in-app purchases