Beautify and minify XML

Codelime's XML tool offers two useful functionalities to manage XML data: beautifying and minifying.

  • Beautify: The beautify feature takes XML data and formats it in a human-readable way. It adds appropriate indentation, line breaks, and spacing, making the structure clear and easy to understand. This is particularly helpful when you're working with large, complex XML files where understanding the hierarchy and structure is essential.
  • Minify: On the other hand, the minify feature does the opposite. It removes all unnecessary spaces, line breaks, and indentation, compressing the XML data to the smallest possible size. This is useful for reducing the size of the data for storage or transmission purposes. While the minified XML is hard for humans to read, it's still perfectly valid and can be interpreted by machines just as well as the beautified version.

Both these features are invaluable for developers and anyone working with XML, allowing them to switch between a readable format for editing and a compact format for deployment or sharing.