Text Case

Convert text cases

Codelime's text case transformation tool is designed to quickly and automatically change the formatting of text to suit different coding conventions or stylistic preferences. Here's what each option does:

  • Lowercase: Converts all letters in the text to lowercase.
  • Uppercase: Changes all letters to uppercase.
  • Snake Case: Formats text with underscores between words, like snake_case.
  • Camel Case: Formats text without spaces, and each word after the first starts with a capital letter, like camelCase.
  • Kebab Case: Uses dashes to separate words, like kebab-case.
  • Constant Case: Makes all letters uppercase and separates words with underscores, like CONSTANT_CASE.
  • Title Case: Capitalizes the first letter of each word, like Title Case.
  • Reverse: Reverses the entire text string.
  • Strikethrough: Puts a line through the text, indicating it's been deleted or is no longer valid.

This tool is especially useful for programmers who need to adhere to specific naming conventions in their code, or for content creators looking to format text in a particular style quickly.