Google Gemini

Google AI Gemini

Google AI Gemini (opens in a new tab) is a technology developed by Google's DeepMind, focusing on advanced artificial intelligence research and applications. It's part of Google's suite of AI technologies designed to push the boundaries of machine learning and AI capabilities. Gemini emphasizes building intelligent systems that can understand, learn, and adapt, contributing to a wide range of practical and innovative applications.

How to use Gemini models in Joy AI

Create an Account

Create an API Key

  • Navigate to Get API Key section
  • Choose to create new API Key for new or existing project

Use Your API Key

You can now use this API key in your applications to access the various LLM models offered by OpenRouter.

  • In Joy, go to Settings -> Advanced -> AI
  • Select Google Gemini
  • Enter your API Key and a model of your choice