Mistral AI

Mistral AI

Mistral AI (opens in a new tab) is an innovative platform focused on revolutionizing the field of generative AI, particularly large language models (LLMs). Their approach is centered around developing and providing open-source AI models, which stands in contrast to proprietary AI solutions. This strategy aligns with their belief in the power of community-driven development and the importance of open science.

Their first major offering, Mistral 7B, is a testament to their commitment to this philosophy. It's a 7 billion parameter model released under the Apache 2.0 license, allowing unrestricted use. Mistral 7B has been designed to outperform other open models up to 13 billion parameters in standard English and code benchmarks. This model is notable for its ability to handle tasks like summarization, structuration, and question answering efficiently and cost-effectively compared to larger proprietary solutions.

How to use Mistral models in Joy AI

Create an Account

Create an API Key

Note Down Your API Key: Once generated, make sure to copy and securely store your API key. It's crucial for accessing the OpenRouter services in your applications.

Use Your API Key

You can now use this API key in your applications to access the various LLM models offered by OpenRouter.

  • In Joy, go to Settings -> Advanced -> AI
  • Select Mistral AI
  • Enter your API Key and a model of your choice