

Joy AI's Spotlight feature on Mac offers a quick and intuitive way to engage with AI:

  • Spotlight Interface for Speed: Access Joy swiftly via its Spotlight interface, enabling fast start-up of chat conversations.
  • Selecting Prompt and Character: Users can easily choose a Prompt and Character in Spotlight, tailoring their interaction.
  • Smart Placeholder Text: Prompts may include [[TEXT]] placeholders, conveniently replaced with clipboard content, selected text, or captured text, making the AI interaction more contextually relevant and efficient.

Read from Clipboard

With Joy's Spotlight feature, users can efficiently start a conversation using a keyboard shortcut after copying content to the clipboard.

The application can detect clipboard content and automatically replace it with placeholders in the prompt. This functionality makes it particularly convenient for users to quickly act on information they've just copied, streamlining their workflow and interaction with the AI.

Capture Text

Joy's text capture feature allows users to extract text from images. By assigning a keyboard shortcut, users can activate text capture, which then starts the Spotlight conversation feature. Joy automatically uses the detected text to replace placeholders in prompts, initiating a relevant conversation based on the text extracted from the image.

This feature simplifies the process of interacting with AI based on visual information, making it more accessible and efficient.

How to

  • Go to Joy Settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Assign a keyboard shortcut for Screen Capture

Detect Selected Text

Joy allows for quick and efficient conversation starts based on selected text. By simply selecting text in any application and triggering the Spotlight keyboard shortcut, Joy detects the selected text and automatically replaces placeholders in prompts.

This enables users to swiftly initiate a relevant conversation with the AI, based on the context of the text they've highlighted, enhancing the ease and speed of their AI interactions.

Note that this works best in native apps.